Florida CNA Test Registration

Florida CNA Test Registration

How do you register for the CNA exam in Florida? The application for testing can be accessed by visiting the testing agency’s website.  In Florida, the testing agency is Prometric and their website can be located at www.Prometric.com/nurseaide/fl.  Under the second heading “Candidate Information”, click on the box labeled “Online Application” to complete the “Certified Nursing Assistant Application...

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Where do CNAs work?

Where do CNAs work?

Where do CNAs work?  Pretty much everywhere healthcare is performed!  Certified Nursing Assistants can work in a wide variety of settings in healthcare.  Some of these you may be familiar with, but some may surprise you!  Read on for a brief description of many settings that CNAs can find employment!     Hospitals:  This is probably the first place people think of when they think of CNAs.  CNAs in this settings will perform...

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