Will Florida Videos work for other states?

Will Florida videos work for other states?Florida

Since our CNA skills videos were posted on YouTube a year ago, they have been viewed by over a million people in almost every state and many other countries.  A frequent question we encounter is, “I live in _______, will these videos prepare me for the test in my state?”  The answer is…yes and no.

First, for the “no”.  Our videos were researched using Florida state standards and are based on the clinical skills checklist for the Florida CNA exam, located at https://www.prometric.com/en-us/clients/Nurseaide/Documents/NAClinicalSkillsChecklist20110729Final.pdf.  They are based on the specific scenarios (or care plans) that are presented to the testing candidate and demonstrate exactly what the candidate will be required to do, where the patient will be positioned and reflect the current standards of the state of Florida.  In other words, if our video shows the patient sitting in a chair at the beginning of a skill, then for the exam the patient will be sitting in a chair.  If we show that only one hand is washed for the exam, that is what Florida requires for the exam.  The videos are specific for the skills test in Florida and the evaluators cannot throw curve balls.  Every test, regardless of where in Florida it is given, must be presented the exact same way by the evaluator to prevent discrimination and bias.  Since we know what those requirements are, we show you what to expect during the exam.  This helps eliminate some of the anxiety you may have regarding the testing experience.

Now for the “yes”.  Although the skills videos are presented based on care plans from the Florida exam, these same care plans are used by many, many other states!  Because we have not researched the specific testing parameters of each and every state, we cannot say definitively what each state requires, but many students in many states have used these videos to prepare for their exam successfully.

How is that possible? The skills for every state must comply with “best nursing practices”, which are universal.  Principles such as safety, patient rights and infection control will not vary whether you are in Alabama, Arizona or Alaska.  So the principles that form the basis of the skills are the same, regardless of where you are testing.  What changes then?  The scenario that you are presented with may be different from state to state, as well as the specific skills that you will be tested on.  For instance, in Indiana, a skill you may be asked to do is elevate the head of the bed to position the patient in a Fowler’s position.  This is not a skill by itself in Florida, so is not demonstrated in the videos.

Another possible change is the verification of the patient’s identity.  In Florida, it is not necessary to check the patient’s ID bracelet, because the Florida Board of Nursing recognizes that patients do not wear ID bracelets in many healthcare settings, such as home care, assisted living facilities, hospice centers and most nursing homes.  Since the vast majority of patients that are cared for in Florida do not have ID bands, this step is not required for testing in Florida.  In another state, it may be a required step.

So, how do you know what your state requires?  This takes a bit of detective work on your part.  There are two national testing agencies for CNA testing:  Prometric and Pearson Vue.  Prometric is responsible for the following states:  Alabama (some portions), Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, New York and Oklahoma. You can quickly research the standards for these states by going to www.Prometric.com/nurseaide and clicking on your state, then looking for the “Clinical Skills checklist”.  This will list the necessary steps that must be performed for each skill based on your state’s standards.

Pearson Vue handles the testing for Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Georgia, Louisianna, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virgin Islands, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.  You can view your state’s standards by visiting http://www.asisvcs.com/indhome.asp?CPCat=0000NURSE and selecting your state from the drop-down box.  Select “Candidate Handbook” for more detailed information regarding the clinical skills in your state.  The skills checklist will be located at the very end of the candidate handbook for most states.

All other states not listed will need to contact your CNA state registry for information regarding the clinical skills that you may be required to perform.  You can search “CNA registry ______ (your state name)” in Google for contact information for your specific state.  You may also contact a local nursing home for information regarding licensure requirements and contact information on your state’s CNA registry.

Understanding your state’s requirements will help you decide if the videos presented by 4YourCNA will help you prepare for your state’s specific skills exam.  You need to understand what your state requires in order to prepare properly.  In most cases, the videos presented on this site will provide a basic framework for the skills, based on best nursing practices, and you can add in any additional steps that may be required for your state.  All skills demonstrated by 4YourCNA are presented by an RN and researched extensively to reflect the most current standards.  We hope you find them helpful as you prepare for your exam.


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