Types of Testing Centers
In Florida, there are two different types of testing centers: regional and in-facility. Regional testing centers are usually attached to established schools and staffed by Prometric, the testing company. They generally test candidates 7 days a week (only closing for major holidays) and usually test 8 students per day (on average), depending on the size of the testing center and the testing demand in the area. This is where most candidates go to test, especially if they are challenging the exam (please see our related article on challengers). There are several regional testing centers in Florida. You may find a list of Florida testing centers on Prometric’s website or by clicking here. It is often helpful to become familiar with the testing centers in your geographic area before you register for the exam, so you can choose the nearest center to you for testing.
In-facility testing is used by schools who wish to have all of their students tested together at the school, at the same time. Only students who have graduated from an approved program at that school can test in-facility. These tests are conducted infrequently (usually only once or twice a year) and there must be enough qualified testing candidates. The facility must provide a clinical testing space that meets the same criteria as a regional testing site (including beds, privacy curtains, bathroom access and other necessary equipment and supplies to evaluate competency).
If your school offers in-facility testing, they will notify you before you register for the exam, and you will submit your test registration directly to the school. If you are going to test at a regional center, you must select the nearest testing center to you when you register and submit your test registration directly to Prometric. Prometric’s contact information is located below:
FL Nurse Aide
7941 Corporate Dr.
Nottingham, MD 21236
Phone: 888.277.3500
Email: FLCNA@prometric.com
Please feel free to contact us with any specific questions you may have!